Theses past few months have felt like i'm hanging out in a wind tunnel with everything around me going crazy and yet there is some sort of peace that resides. As a believer all I can say is Thank you Jesus!!!
What can I say, we all face disappointments and i'm not exempted; our humanity is frail--"yet but by the grace of God". I was so looking forward to some very special memories and a few of those were erased in an instant during my quick Holiday return. Disruptions like illness,(thank God for hotel ice buckets), people sometimes show up without the grace of God in action. (That can truly bring some disruption). We just keep looking towards Jesus.
Facing some medical issues in my life and still working on them--me and medicines don't mix very well. A simple aspirin can take me for a loop--so can you imagine when you are put on a pretty intense regime to help symptoms. Not fun---feels like a roller coaster ride---but it keeps going and going-- not permitting you to get off. So the rollercoaster yippee feel, disappears. I have peace and I'm so grateful for my Lithuanian friends and adopted family who have always been so incredible.
Words cannot describe the loss of Jim Palmer my Ohio Ministry Network Assistant Superintendent. Our Assistant Superintendents life was tragically ended in car accident; Jim went on to be with the Lord. Moments like these a missionary can get disappointed because you can't be there--however, the absence of location actually softens the reality of pain. Through Christ we can gather the strength to uplift and encourage our brothers & sisters that are there and dealing with the loss most direct. Those who are more intimately involved. I ask for the Lord to heal the hearts of Jims' family, Colleagues, and Church Family. Allow us to reach out to one another to bring strength and passion like Jim would want for us all to have. Lord I pray for the other people that were involved in such an accident and that survived--give them peace of mind and hopefully they will hear of Jims' life and find more of Jesus' personal residue that will resinate from our great loss.
All has happened between ministry--which I can say is always growing and blooming. This week Kidz Lithuania will finalize our first few videos for our VZTV you tube channel. We also are preparing the discussion topics for VZ Radio which will be warming up the air waves soon this year.
How do the disruptions keep coming? Why do they come? Why don't they destroy us? In the midst of this bitter spiritually stormy season I heard news that broke my heart about a young man whom I know God has called to ministry. He is not making choices that honor Jesus and the Truth that is in Him does not reign over his heart and his situation has ended him in difficult times. Your heart wants to fix it--yet our stepping in can only lead to a toxic responses. There are times when people need to reach out for Jesus on their own and Trust the Master. None the less, it still breaks one's heart.
Have you every woke up and felt the presence of God directing you---well i had this experience at the end of last week and "woohoo"-----it was very scary. Felt for a few hours I was living in a horror film. I'm grateful for the Lords protection. God was so faithful in leading me downstairs at the right time.
Then a few days later someone calls you, claiming to be calling from the National Police that they need information from me because someone has stolen my passport, and bank information. These are the moments where i'm grateful for loving everyone trusting very few. Scary Scammers! Praise the Lord for His wisdom--Winter Break is going well!
All I can say this weekend, we will be at the Vilnus Book Fair Sharing the Tiger with the children at the fair in helping the Good News Radijo Center connect with people.
You can thank Bob Campbell my friend for this quote. Also lets be keep close to our heart and mind that we are Over comers and always cling to Biblical Understanding: Hebrews 11:17-19, " By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was offering up his only son; it was he to whom it was said, "In Isaac your descendants shall be called." He considered that God is able to raise people even from the dead. In a sense, that's what happened when he received Isaac back, alive from off the altar." Hold onto the promises!! No matter the Storm.