Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Growing Pains with Gracious Gains

These Past few months have been full of so many changes on our ministry team.  Who is graduating for instance has a huge impact on our Kidz Lithuania Team, since when they graduate they move around sometimes even out of country to obtain higher education.  Others may stay around but university schedules are very different from high school.  We have five girls graduating this year on a team of 13 that holds a significant impact on the logistics of our team.  We still remain with a solid core and yet we need to train and replace leadership.

I'm grateful that those who are moving on still want to remain faithful and help with our ministry as their time permits.  Some have offered to be a part of training the new members, others have offered to come to cook & clean so that these people don't need to be hired in.  It does give me great joy that they see the importance of keeping Kidz Lithuania healthy and growing.

Kidz Lithuania will be lead again by co-leadership, Paulius Slepikas and Karen Saakjan they will begin their intensive leadership training June 13-August 24.  When our team will not be out they will be in intsensive training, bible learning, character development and just the process of Discipleship, Mentoring and Coaching so that they will be confident to lead the way. 

Karen, Frenchie & Paulius
Frenchie is teaching them about serving!

Kidz Lithuania has already assisted one church on June 1-3, 2016 with a children's evangelism during a two day tent event, approximately 70 children attended both services in the small city of Birzai on the Latvian border.     They also had youth & adult meetings that followed each evening.

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