Friday, September 2, 2016

Planted More than Seeds

We have been so blessed over the years to invest in the Jonava Center, under the leadership of Reda Šlepkienė.  I remember the first day we met to help them start the center it was a Christmas Kick Off and we were able to bless the center with Christmas gifts from Convoy of Hope to the community along with these great footie PJ's that the kids went wild over.   Afterwards we gathered in her home for prayer and fellowship.  That was in 2005.

We have (you, I and my amazing on ground team Kidz Lithuania) have invested in the daily life of this feeding and care station for at risk children.  We have also held several annual outreaches, citywide along with hosting Character day camps.  This summer was the same we held a camp in July and then in August we joined forces with Kaunas Christian Church, Swedish Baptist Church, and Jonava Youth Center to share the Gospel.  Many many hearts have been committed to see a church plant.  August 21, 2016, they gathered!!! Praise the Lord but they are not in their own building nor are they meeting at the center they are using another facility.

God does not despise small beginnings, we rejoice as according to Zechariah 4:10  "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.."   Rejoicing that finally we have witnessed more than seeds being dropped in the hearts of children and youth but a church a place where they can go locally on Sundays to worship the Lord.

Doesn't if feel great in your spirit to know that you were a part of this too?  Through your prayers and sacrifices.   This is just the beginning the seeds are planted, and the soil is fertile but we need to be prepared for when they grow.  

Please consider giving to the Jonava Center we are $45,000 away from being able to purchase a building.   Please consider this and if God is speaking to your heart right now you could actually press this link and give:  JONAVA CENTER DONATIONS

Wonderful growth we are seeing from Jonava besides now having a church there.  Let me share about another area of growth.  Let me introduce you to Paulius Šlepikas, he is our Kidz Lithuania Team Leader.   Paulius grew up in Jonava because his parents took a step of faith to go to Jonava and become "home missionaries" to this city.  We have been blessed to have Paulius on our Kidz Lithuania team for several years.....memory serves when he began he was just coming for the fun.  He has grown and continues to grow spiritually.   I'm very proud of him, for trusting the Lord and at the same time humbled for allowing me to speak into his life.

Paulius Information:

Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Song: A lot of different worship songs
Age: 17
Skills: He plays guitar, beat box, good teacher and he's our "sound" guy (more ways than one)
Personal Prayer Request: He desires a deeper wanting and discipline to spend more time with God, and does not want to be lazy with his school & homework.

Kidz Lithuania Mean to him:  It is valuable to help him spend more time with God through the accountability, not to be lazy with daily commitments like school, homework.  The relationship with Kidz Lithuania encourages him to want more of a relationship with God.  The team is also like a family where you grow spiritually and learn to share God with others.

If you personally knew Paulius you would just say, "WOW" because those are a lot of words for this normally quiet young man.  He is our "quiet giant" on our team!  Well respected and loved.

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