Friday, November 18, 2016

Sometimes we Loose Yet we are still Winners

This past month we have been working full force preparing, training and gathering with our team members in small groups to see where they stand personally in their relationship with God.   We call this "Jesus Time"; back in my grandmothers' day it would be called "pressing on or forward" as according.  Phillippians 3:14 "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"

It's a real personal genuine time where we search the scriptures for answers of their life's questions; from the youngest team member.  They are questioning what is real?  What is true?  What better way to give them answers then to plan an entire evening around teaching them how to find the answers in the Word of God.   Hours upon hours are spent in prayer, research and in hopes to lay down a foundation of Faith and Trust in the Word of God knowing it applies to them personally.  That this Word is timeless and effective even today.

Here is a brief glimpse of a few of our conversations, based on what they desired to know.  Gabrielle, age 12.  Gabrielle has been serving on our team for the last two years.
Her big question:  What does the Bible say about water baptism & why it is important for me?  
We covered the book of John, and discussed Jesus' Words along with the proclamations of John.  She understood it was important to get baptized.  She wanted to have a personal understanding of what the Bible says since she is wanting to follow the Words of Jesus in John 3:3-7.  Gabrielle is our youngest girl on our team she has been around a lot of ministry for the last three years of her life.  She helps in Sunday School, Worship Team and serves whenever called upon by her church and Kidz Lithuania.

Let's look at another young ladies "Jesus Time", Erika, age 15.  
Her big question:  Could you share with me about the main differences between "Christianity" and other religions?    Here is a young lady who barely squeaks one word in conversation and when given the chance to learn more about her personal relationship with God,  this is what comes out of her mouth.  Erika, comes to us through our mission site, in Jonava.  Our time was really full, how in the world can I answer this question in one evening.  Impossible!   Yet, we were able to look at mainstream faiths & religions and how the terminology intermingled, what is similar and what is not. Most of all what the Bible says and how deceptive others religions and cults can be in using familiar phrases and words.    

It has been fifteen years since I stepped foot into Lithuania and about 12years since I began this personal journey of discipleship with the young people of Lithuania.  It started with one, then two now I'm up to 18 personal relationships.  I'm so grateful for the Word of God, It's power and divine instruction.  As much as I'm moved and elated to have the privelege to personally disciple young people; my heart still pangs of the few that chose not to remain on course currently.  Their  wondering feels like losses to me; and yet I know the Word of God is in their hearts.  I was there when they were challenged to read, listen, memorize and hear of Gods' Truths.

Some folks might be comforted in hearing that Jesus didn't even get 100% of his followers.  These statements sadden me because I have still hold onto the hope that though they are wondering down paths of their own choosing, Jesus paid the price and that the Truth will rise up and set them free and show how Victorious they can be in Christ.  

We WIN!!!!  We loose nothing if we are passing the baton, handing the mantle down.  We have to believe that God is in control and we need to stay our course and remain faithful to what He has called us to do.  That is share the Gospel with whomever!!

Prayer Requests:
Christmas Tour-Multiple cities in One Weekend
Upcoming Jesus' Time Meetings
Steady Electricity & Heat, there have been some long power outages.

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