Friday, July 14, 2017

Transitionally Challenged

I think something most missionaries can relate to is the reality that we are in constant transition, whether it is arriving in our new country of service, or returning home for itineration, family matter, or consultations.  We are constantly on the move.  Then we have the transitions of hosting visiting teams, interns and the nationals we serve.  All of these transitions are on top of the normal transitions many face: empty nest, new opportunities, new coordinators, our team members transitioning with older members leaving (we are happy when this happens) at the same time younger team members joining in and all of a sudden the wheel begins to spin all over again fresh and new.

Now I'm facing a new transition that I have never faced before.  It's been ongoing now for several years and that is the transition of aging parents when they cannot care for themselves.  My mom for several years has struggled with congestive heart failure and these past few years we faced life with quite a bit uncertainty.  Not knowing all the details and trying to make sure she is taken care of along with her husband.

About four weeks ago she feel back to back in a period of twenty four hours which landed her in the hospital and long story short there are factors involved beyond balance.  The Dr's and team feel it is for her best interest and safety to transition permanently into a care facility.  This is a very difficult transition, I was able to be in the states for a meeting and check up on her personally for 48hours.  AGWM, has always been gracious during these times of our lives.  At the same time ministry has a demand that does not allow us the time we desire--this is a transition that brings the reality of all that I do.

I honestly believe God is in control, he gives wisdom, understanding, and grace.  He also provides proper care.  Please know these next few weeks are filled with amazing dynamics, with 6 weeks of ministry back to back, visiting teams, new team members, and an international student from Latvia joining to serve for one year of personal discipleship.

I'm looking forward to keeping you up to date with what is going on the field.  At the same time I ask that you would all keep my mom & her husband in your prayers as they face this heartbreaking transition.  It is a difficult one for them; I'm so grateful for an amazing pastoral staff at Warren First, Pastor Derek Boivin & His team; along with other Christian leaders in my area that are reaching out to Carl while he makes adjustments of living on his own.  Pastor Jeffery & Heather Streets, and my dear friend Amy.  Thank you for lifting my spirits up during these challenges.

1 comment:

  1. Blessings, wisdom and strength to you and your family as this difficult decision is put into place. I hope your Mom will just trust her Heavenly Father to know what's best for His beloved Daughter. Rest in His perfect finished work at Calvary and know that He already made provision for her way back then. He loves us all so very much and always, always, always & forever wants His best for us.
