Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Fulfilling the Great Commission in Romania

Kidz Lithuania just returned from our very first international missions trip in Romania.  We joined forces with Kidz Romania, under the leadership of Assemblies of God Missionary Tamara Henkes.  We traveled by plane (which was the first time 3 of the 4 kids) had ever traveled by plane.  The week was filled with so many new experiences culturally working with international kids, Turkish, Gypsy, and Village children.  October 28-November 6, we joined up with Kidz Romania, ten services in eight days.  Traveling over 2,275 miles and sharing the Gospel with unchurched children in hopes to connect them with a personal Jesus and a local family of believers.

Fulfilling the Great Commission, took a great step of faith and also the partnership of many who gave.  Many believers in Latvia, Lithuania, and the USA gave so that four leaders from Kidz Lithuania could learn the importance of "fulfilling the great commission"Matthew 28:16-20.  Again, we pioneered a new experience for youth in hopes this will grow their vision and desire to be obedient to the Word of God.

Our team shared their testimonies, and filled in the background of Kidz Romania public school ministry character programs and evangelistic programs.  Their faith was increased and there hearts were challenged to step out and get on a plane, live in a different culture; experience a different language and the wide variety of food .  I wish you all could have physically traveled this journey with us and hear how God is growing in their hearts.  Soon these young people will be adult leaders, where they will be able to lead a new generation taking them on grand journeys' in country and far away fulfilling their purpose.

Thank you Pastor Jeff & Heather Street from Summit Assembly of God, in McDonald, OH who honestly stepped out in faith and invested greatly.  Your fellowship made an eternal investment that we will only see the total fruit of it when we sit at the feet of our creator.  Thank you for thinking and serving with big hearts and sacrifice.

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