Friday, December 13, 2019

The Joy of Christmas

This weekend we head into our final rehearsals before we share "Kaledu dziaugsmas" (The Joy of Christmas) . Kidz Lithuania is joining with our Good News Center Radijo, Valio Childrens Choir and a few churches like New Generations & Journey Church Vilnius who are helping with us provide gifts for teens. 

We are truly excited to offer such a beautiful message with Song, Dance & Drama along with two of our team leaders sharing the Gospel with whole families.  After each program which will be presented at the Vaidilos Teatre in Vilnius, we will spend some time enjoying cake & punch and passing out Good Samaritan Gifts for children under 13 while Journey Church Vilnius, Pastors Luke & Tanya McKinely, Kidz Lithuania along with a few families are providing gifts for youth.  Thank you Andrius & Sylvija Janusauskas for your generosity to help with program. 

While they exit we are offering them invitations to visit local supporting churches.  Please pray that the message is heard strong and received in a way that will change lives having total peace with Jesus. 

A special moment in the presentation we will offer a video presentation of visiting an Alpha Course to help them grow.   We feel we have a complete menu of reaching & touching those who attend with the love of Jesus.  Please pray for us that on December 22, 2019 at 12:00 & 16:00.  That we will have a strong positive response to the "The Joy of Christmas" .

We have the potential of reaching 800 people next Sunday December 22, 2019.  Keep us in prayer that the Spirit of Christmas change lives with complete Joy. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Missionary To Lithuania: Thankful for the Unique Colors of "Amber"

Missionary To Lithuania: Thankful for the Unique Colors of "Amber": This is the season where the air becomes cool, the home often becomes more quiet (the children are back in school) and we have the time to r...

Thankful for the Unique Colors of "Amber"

This is the season where the air becomes cool, the home often becomes more quiet (the children are back in school) and we have the time to rest from our non-stop summers.  Fall is so beautiful with the leaves that change color and the golden mornings and beautiful sunsets.  Amber is a color that comes on strong it is a special and and it is also a beautiful gem here in Lithuania.

I have the privilege because of all of you to harvest and work with Lithuania's greatest gems, their youth.  Living here now for over sixteen years some of the raw gems have moved on and are shining bright with a fresh sense of confidence that has come from their experiences thru Kidz Lithuania.

Erika, Augi, Aldo & Laura
This experience is so enriching and I would like to share how special and powerful I prayerfully see this intimate ministry.  To have a young person come and learn the scriptures starting around 10years of age, learn about their purpose, discover skills and talents while having the opportunity to learn the values of true leadership.  They stay in the mode of training, learning and living for Christ with us most til they reach 20yrs of Age.  Ten years of discipleship half their lives was filled with the knowledge of God and the purpose of their life.   Many people go their entire lifetime not knowing.  They come up knowing, believing while serving and praying for direction.

It's much like the "Amber" you will find in Lithuania.  There are five classifications of amber you will find in Lithuania.  I see some similarities about the young people.  The value of the gem is in the ability to know, help identify and develop clarity of purpose.  Because most people think amber is only yellow--but there is so much more than just yellow.  "Yellow" is  the typical color but finding  and preparing the rare gems is imperative for the Church to rise up against the challenges it faces.
"Green" is not always natural it is created by adding heat while preparing it for silver or a jewlry piece; the heat brings out the the tint of green.  So much like what Kidz Lithuania is about.  We offer young people who desire to find a deeper relationship with the Lord to learn the disciplines that will help rise up the unhidden beauty of their lives.  Sometimes this process can be painful because it involves a willingness to stand for Jesus and not to stand with the crowd.  It also involves alot of humility---something not valued in society today.  When they walk through big choices allowing the process of growth we witness amazing freedom.  It is a privilege to listen to their challenges and offer scripture which empowers them to follow JESUS.

"Red" many call this color Cherry, in ancient days this was the color worn by the very wealthy yet today it is a color of choice.  This color comes from an even more intense heat applied to the original harvest of amber.   During the ancient times it was very rare to find amber simply because of awareness and the proper tools to harvest.  Today amber is pretty easy to find.  However, to find this color you have to go to specific venders who have tried the original with much heat.

Gabriele, Erika & Laura
Gita, Erika & Gabi

When a young person at age 10-18 makes a decision to serve Kidz Lithuania during the years we experience different seasons of their lives-- where we are working on spiritual growth with gradual opportunities to serve in ministry outside of the church.  The process of applying heat gradually is delicate--yet necessary--they need safe places to grow, places where they know they are loved but held to the guides of scripture.  By the time they make the "travel" ministry team they have gone thru let's say the "GREEN" stage of their learning but giving up an entire summers of self choice to go and serve people as a part of their understanding what a commitment to Christ will cost them; letting go of their desire to just simply do what they want is a difficult process but it brings on the extreme heat.  The "RED" of their inner hearts is being developed and they begin to shine in such unique ways.  The delicate rise of the faith---but it is so beautiful!

It is amazing to watch a team of youth, lead by youth go out and train others to reach their communities, walk and lead them in reaching children in their communities.  Every day in prayer personally, in group prayer.  Every day in Bible Study and worship.  Every day--developing a lifestyle where they can see the uniqueness of their beauty.  This selfless life gives birth to a greater understanding of pleasing God and fulfilling their purpose.  We see beauty in their rawest form.

"BLUE" the rarest color of them all.  Only .02% of amber is known to be BLUE.  This is only seen by shining light at a specific angle on a piece of amber.  This color in ancient times was known to be the most powerful--therefore the chief priests of their pagan world wore this color of amber.  Today I'm declaring because you are able to see the great value in investing in children and youth as a part of the BIG DREAM in Lithuania.   I promise you we are seeing more and more BLUE.  Each knew group of kids seems to want to go further and deeper and not only experience Gods' love; but doing what God has asked of them.  We have another young teen going to Bible College while still in high school.  This past year we even had one young man lay aside secular education for Biblical education-(these are uncommon choice here in the Baltic church culture)--Why? because the "Light of Jesus" is shinning in them bright and they are living out the exposure &  desire of the Holy Spirit that is within them.  Shining BLUE!

Deep Converstaions
So as you have learned today that amber is not just yellow--its yellow, green, red, blue and BLACK
Black amber is natural and accounts for 15%.  The unique element of black amber is that it is not fully fossilized---the reason is because the original tree resin is mixed with dirt resin.  If you hold a piece of black up to the light you will soon notice another color that will shine through.  From Brown to deep red.

Kidz Lithuania is a part of the charity of "Suteikime Vilti" (We offer Hope) . Originally it was organized in partnership with "Convoy of Hope" to allow our missionaries to do outreaches in schools, and public venues legally.  We have permission to reach others with the Gospel without being a church.   Kidz Lithuania has flown under this banner since its conception.  We are committed to evangelism, discipleship which produces disciple makers of young people. Its not inward focused it is Christ focused.   We have also been a key to help several church plants in their beginning stages of developing awareness in their communities.  We run day camps in small villages & cities to help build bridges and trusting relationships.  We visit orphanges, childrens homes, disability homes and elderly homes to share the uniqueness that shines within our hearts.  Everyone deserves to hear and know they are loved by Christ.

Talking Shop
Cooking for the Elderly

"We offer Hope" also offers backpacks, groceries, blankets, shoes, clothing whatever is sent our way or when we are shown what the need is.  All of this is done by one Missionary and a team of YOUTH that partner with local churches to share the Gospel and to Raise up a generation that is already living a lifestyle of following Jesus and sharing Jesus with others.

As you can see the value of Amber as a natural resource we THANKYOU for your faithful investment in these amazing GEMS of my life!! The children and youth of Kidz Lithuania!

Sharon McCammon Missionary to Lithuania

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Loved Our Summer--- "Refusing to Deny Christ"


What an amazing summer.  Thank you for your role during this past summer.  We are so grateful for everyone who prayed, who gave, who came and who ran with us this summer.  From start to finish less than 10days were spent at our home base.  We were on the road, in a cabin, in a dorm, or a persons' home where-ever we could find proper rest as we trained and shared about Jesus!!


We invite children ages 10-12 to join us for a week camp

Chauncey Alan Riddle Joined us the Summer

Al, Rimantas(Bishop), Sharon, Ivanas(Assistant Bishop)

Alytus Orphanage with Erie Shores

Jamie, aka "Princess Twinkle Toes" 


Jonava (Church Plant) & Cekiske (New Church Plant)
Both Sponsored by: Kaunas Christian Church: Pastor Rytis Berukstis
International Team "Kidz Lithuania, Motala Baptist-Sweeden, and Erie Shores-Ohio, USA

Nursing Home

Pakruojis "A Weave of Goodness" Charity 

Missionaries Vytautas and Ligita Vaitkevičiai

Svenconys, "Light of Gospel" Church
Pastor Anatolij Pavlovic

Every Week "Tigras" had to say goodbye




Teaching Bible truths using science.

Meet Justas

Justas has been on our team now for three years.  Justas is from Jonava, and he is 16 years of age.  Justas loves all things from nature, the woods, the streams and all the wildlife that lives there.  This summer Justas decided to begin Bible College while still in High School.  It will be a challenge but he knows God has a plan for his life and he desires to be prepared.

  • Pray for Justas' Studies: He is a Junior in High School & a First Year Bible College 
  • Pray for him to grow in his ability to Mentor others with confidence & passion
  • Pray for good health & spiritual maturity

Meet Erika

Erika, One of our leaders

Erika is 18years of age in her last year of high school.  School is not her favorite, though she knows she needs an education.  Erika, loves working with children especially when they are good (lol) It is true.  Erika is a senior this year and is trusting the Lord to give her direction.   In the meantime we are working on
  • Pray for Erika to hear Gods' Voice
  • Pray for Erika to learn to trust the Lord without doubt
  • Pray for super natural dose of self confidence.


With ministry comes sometime unexpected expenses on two occasions we were faced with unexpected challenges.  Considering we were on the Road from June 15, 2019 til August 30, 2019.
Please help us replenish our childrens ministries fund: WE have alot of upcoming expenses to keep us moving and sharing the Gospel!



1337  Beechcrest ST NW
Warren, OH 44485 USA

Tomo Žebrausko g. 7
14187 Vilnius


(I'm 7 hours ahead E.S.T., it rings
in Lithuania) 
330.984.0213 (Skype)



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Saturday, May 11, 2019

When Life Comes Crashing Down

Sometimes circumstances come that we cannot plan for; but, our reactions can make or break our testimony and reflection of Jesus.

This morning while brushing my teeth.  The LARGE mirror came crashing down without warning.  In a split second, I had to catch it...and the ceramic tooth brush holder. (It was a gift) But what in the world would I do?

The entire mirror and lamps

Haven't you experienced those moments in ministry, or life; where you have to stop, react and catch your breath instantly?

Kids Lithuania, is a discipleship and evangelism team.  It is lead by Erika, who just turned 18yrs old, and Augustas, who is 17 yrs old.  They constantly deal with "life crashing down" around them.  Why?  We work to serve people .  People in general have a tendency of living focused on themselves until a crises hits and then they are screaming for help.  Our leaders get a split second to access the circumstances and decide how they will reflect Jesus.  I'm always so amazed at how gracefully they lead knowing their age--they display much passion and wisdom.

Just like this morning.  After, I caught my breath and accessed my circumstance. My thoughts were:  First, thank God I'm not alone today.  Second, thank God I'm not naked; and finally, I yelled for help.  Augi, Erika, Gabi, Aldo and Winnie came to my rescue.

This situation interrupted our plans and schedule yet we had to deal with it. Thank God when  life comes crashing down; He gives as the ability to access and deal.  He gives us wisdom to resolve situations.

It is very important when people or circumstance interrupt our plans; that our reactions, after we access our situation reflect the Spirit of God who is living inside of us.    It's most important that people walk away feeling encouraged and know they have experienced Gods' love.

I survived the mirror incident today!  Winnie enjoyed playing with my talking scale.  She's still looking for the person that says, "HELLO....It's Ready".

Are you ready to respond to whatever circumstances come your way today?

Happy Birthday Erika #18

Meet Erika:

Erika turns eighteen this month.  She is one of our co-leaders.  Erika probably spends the most time with me on a regular basis.   In fact, I think this is her second home.  She is here always serving, investing and planning.  I'm so blessed that God allows me to be a part of her life.   She is growing spiritually and emotionally.  Deep down I believe she's Winnies' best friend; Winnie just likes being with her, held by her and even sleep with her.    Please keep her in your prayers as she is in the stage of her life when she needs to begin making plans for her adult life.