Saturday, May 11, 2019

When Life Comes Crashing Down

Sometimes circumstances come that we cannot plan for; but, our reactions can make or break our testimony and reflection of Jesus.

This morning while brushing my teeth.  The LARGE mirror came crashing down without warning.  In a split second, I had to catch it...and the ceramic tooth brush holder. (It was a gift) But what in the world would I do?

The entire mirror and lamps

Haven't you experienced those moments in ministry, or life; where you have to stop, react and catch your breath instantly?

Kids Lithuania, is a discipleship and evangelism team.  It is lead by Erika, who just turned 18yrs old, and Augustas, who is 17 yrs old.  They constantly deal with "life crashing down" around them.  Why?  We work to serve people .  People in general have a tendency of living focused on themselves until a crises hits and then they are screaming for help.  Our leaders get a split second to access the circumstances and decide how they will reflect Jesus.  I'm always so amazed at how gracefully they lead knowing their age--they display much passion and wisdom.

Just like this morning.  After, I caught my breath and accessed my circumstance. My thoughts were:  First, thank God I'm not alone today.  Second, thank God I'm not naked; and finally, I yelled for help.  Augi, Erika, Gabi, Aldo and Winnie came to my rescue.

This situation interrupted our plans and schedule yet we had to deal with it. Thank God when  life comes crashing down; He gives as the ability to access and deal.  He gives us wisdom to resolve situations.

It is very important when people or circumstance interrupt our plans; that our reactions, after we access our situation reflect the Spirit of God who is living inside of us.    It's most important that people walk away feeling encouraged and know they have experienced Gods' love.

I survived the mirror incident today!  Winnie enjoyed playing with my talking scale.  She's still looking for the person that says, "HELLO....It's Ready".

Are you ready to respond to whatever circumstances come your way today?

Happy Birthday Erika #18

Meet Erika:

Erika turns eighteen this month.  She is one of our co-leaders.  Erika probably spends the most time with me on a regular basis.   In fact, I think this is her second home.  She is here always serving, investing and planning.  I'm so blessed that God allows me to be a part of her life.   She is growing spiritually and emotionally.  Deep down I believe she's Winnies' best friend; Winnie just likes being with her, held by her and even sleep with her.    Please keep her in your prayers as she is in the stage of her life when she needs to begin making plans for her adult life. 

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