Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Round Pegs & Square Holes

Round Pegs & Square Holes only happen when you own a good drill.   This week I was able to go back over our year and evaluate how we used our time, energy and resources and it gave me great cheer that we were able to cram about 88 weeks into 52 weeks.  How could I say this?  Well due to the fact that our team was able to conquer and divide at times.  Having some kids in one camp while others were serving in another event.  The old divide and conquer you might say that sounds like the work of a saw--but I would argue that point; simply because we represent one God, one team.  We sent our young people where the laborers were needed; and most times where their passions were calling.

This year we had new young people join our team, some whom never have been churched before without solid christian backgrounds and yet most were able to make it through and continue to grow others we have to be good drillers to find the perfect place for them.  You see our team is comprised of young people ages 10-20years.  They are all full time students, and might I add that I expect that they do well in school--they don't have to be the top or the best--I simply require that they do their best, read their Bible daily and journal.  If you were to ask them how does it feel to be on the ministry team Kidz Lithuania they could share easily about the fun, laughter and friendship aspect; even their quirky relationship with my dog Frenchie that each of them have inidividually.  When they would express about their spiritual growth, learning, teaching and sharing aspect of who we are many would say, "I feel like a round peg in a square hole" sometimes.  You see they have learned that God is a constant gardener pruning them all the time--and Sharon is only here to witness and guide his plans and purposes for their lives so that they can fulfill the very reason why He gave them life!!!!  Life to evangelize Lithuania, to have greater faith, to expect more and Life to Serve even when you don't feel like you fit in with God you can always be a leader.

I pray that if they are not leading a parade of young people to Jesus, that they are leading by example of choices leaving Gods' fingerprints all over so that those who lost, have someone to go to and question their personal walk with Jesus.

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