Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Helping Achiever's Soar

What a whirlwind of a month with the emergency trip home to help with my elderly parents in the midst of great seasons we can't plan or measure circumstances that you can't control but you can stick close to the one who made us to make sure we keep focused on our purpose and mission.

It is such a priviledge to be on the field and invest in such an amazing group of youth.  It's a priviledge that is provided by not only my calling to serve children/youth and those who work with them; but also it is an amazing opportunity provided by your faithfulness in prayers and financial support.

Just a reminder that we are in partnership with five different missional points throughout the country of Lithuania and several churches from different movements.    Our focus is to reach the unchurched child; introduce them to a life with Jesus and disciple them so that they can find an intimate walk with their Lord & Savior.

We are full time evangelists, teachers, promoters of Children's Ministries in the nation of Lithuania with constant requests to expand into the Baltics, and other regions.

We have 8 new young people who are in the process of seeing if Kidz Lithuania is a commitment they are willing to make and equally for us to see if they would be a healthy team member for our team to continue to move in Unity and Power.  Our goal is to help Achiever's Soar! We will make our final decisions by mid June 2017 and we need your prayers that we stay in tune with the Holy Spirit.

Karen, Dovydas, Augi, Paulius, Kristionas, Tygran

I will say I feel like our team is being invaded by young men.   I remember our beginning years one boy and six girls.  Now we have the opposite....Ten boys and Three Girls with more boys during recruitment days.  

Helping Achiever's Soar--Meet our Newest Leader in Training
Kids Lithuania added one more Leader in training this month and she is our youngest ever leader in training.  However, she has put her time in since she was almost 10yrs old.  Gabriele Volskaite, is 13yrs old this year but she is an amazing young lady.  She has a heart of gold, willing to serve and work hard.  She also has a hunger to understand her personal relationship with the Lord.  It is a added plus that she is Frenchie's "danny" (Dog Nanny), when I"m traveling.

Frenchie sharing secrets with Gabriele!

Thank you's

Thank you Warren First, from Warren, Ohio my home church for the M&M's.  Can you believe I have been home for three weeks and we still have some M&M's.   I'm amazing that 18 young people know how to make the sweet things in life last long.  They are very happy about their stash.

Please be praying for Upcoming Summer:
June 5-19  Isaac Smythia will be joining us in Lithuania, for our summer training camp.
June 19-5  Kidz Lithuania will be preparing for our summer commitments.
July 9-23   Erie Shores, Kidz Outreaches, Church building, and Leadership Training
July 26-28 Leadership Development
July 31-Aug 4 Urban Camp (some of our leaders will be serving in this camp)
Aug 8-12   Compassion Ministry with Elderly in the Village

  • Pray for Kreta, she is one of our leaders and she has been experiencing high amounts of stress between ministry, school and music school.  Pray that she gets rest and learns to rest in Lord.
  • Pray for Kidz Lithuania First Missions Trip, how can we train leaders to be visional if we don't expand their experiences.  
  • Pray for Milda & Sima, as they have completed their one year of coaching and will be moving on with occassional visits.  We will miss them both.
  • Pray for Erika, she is an amazing 16yr on our team who is the only Christian in her home.  This nation is so dark and we pray that the Lord would keep her close as she lives in a dark world.
Most of all I want to express to you all how grateful we all are for your investment in this nation.   Lithuania still needs to be set free and consistently hear the good news.  While we are in the process of sharing the Good News it is so important to leave behind a team of young adults who can lead for many years if the Lord Tarries.

Kidz Lithuania 2016/2017

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