Thursday, August 23, 2018

When "dark" introduces itself....

At the beginning of every camp we divide the children into small groups to get to know them personally.  This was a gathering that was a first for our team.  So many in this orphanage were claiming to be "satanist", ages eight to fourteen.  It was freakishly unnerving that a young beautiful child could make such a claim with a happy smile.

Day one was filled with anger, bitterness, children self-hurting, and even one young boy put his fist through a door sized window.  Ending up with an emergency visit to repair his arm. 

We gathered that afternoon, went to prayer.  Followed how we felt the Holy Spirit was guiding our team.  Put out prayer requests in country, and to our supporters in the USA to join us on this mission.  We invited a few others to join us in ministry in person and adjusted the ministry to meet the need.

That's one of our core values, "true ministry meets the need".   On day two went back out and watched the Master change the circumstances, and the children's hearts.  It was not an easy turn but we witnessed Gods' work in and through us to the touch the lives of these precious children and even change our hearts. 

The young boy who broke the window, begged the director to allow him to attend the camp.  He had to forfeit half his years spending money to pay for the window.  She was shocked that he came into her office first thing in the morning and begged to come back to camp.  She had mentioned that was not a common response for him.  The director could not believe that Lithuanian young people could be so patient, kind and full of compassion.

The children gathered near our STL vehicles shaking hhands, hugging and asking when will we return.  Jesus did an amazing's just a start. 

At our debrief our team shared how this was such a great experience.  Our co-leader, Erika said:  a young boy who started off swearing asked in calmness if he could pray before small group time.  Augi, our other co-leader expressed a desire to want to come back here.  Gabriele shared how this week ended up being very good and she knows she grew. 

We witnessed what happens to pure darkness and how ti changes in many ways with just a small        amount of light exposure, for only five days.  Jesus' love, kindness, compassion and play will always be victorious when it comes with genuine faith in Christ to touch and change the world.

Thank you to everyone who joined us in Alytus this week, many children's lives were changed and we are looking for some teams to join us to return a few times this upcoming year.

My kids want to adopt this orphanage.  Would you help us by continuing your prayers, increasing your support?  For some of you maybe step out in faith and begin to financially support this ministry we are about $600 a month short every month.  Maybe you would consider bringing a team to help us as we share the gospel and build the kingdom of God.

It was asked of me this year if I really believed we are making a difference?  I can say as we follow Christ lies are being changed.  Lives that would never have entered a church.  This is our passion reaching the "unforgotten".  The elderly, poor and orphans.  I will say without hesitation Kidz Lithuania not only changes the lives of our group members but also the ones we collide with in sharing God's love.

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