Friday, October 5, 2018

"If Just One"

Kidz Lithuania started off their fall season with getting down to the basics.  We are a discipleship group.  So, like any other group we invited our team and new team members to start meeting on a monthly basis.  We studied our core values, this is most important when having a discipleship group.  They need to understand why we meet, and what we believe.  If a child could attend my children's ministry in the USA and yet not be able explain what the core values of being a christian were, would send me into a funnel of confusion. 

Here in Lithuania, my goal as a missionary is to reach the lost with the Gospel.  In the process of doing this I take very serious the training of this current generation of young people to personal know and understand their relationship with Jesus as it relates to their church community and their responsibility to share the Gospel in their culture.

In their culture,  this is the big fence to climb.  Gods word stands on its own!  We can boldly say this as an American.  I would even say as a follower of Christ since we have accepted by faith His precious love.  Yet, in their culture....I have usually around twelve students I work with directly.  Most are in our Kidz Lithuania ministry.  I also work with local childrens centers, orphanages and clubs.

Each one of the Kidz Lithuania young people are incredible and amazing.  For example, we have a young man who is only twelve years of age and is considered one of the best classical pianists not only in Lithuania but he has also won the title internationally.  He is in the beginning stages of learning to serve.  Another young man, is on a hip hop team that keeps winning on a national level.  We have athletes, top scholars, musicians, and artists of different kinds.  Their talents are never a criteria of being a part of our ministry.  In fact, we don't even know about these we pray and we invite on their willinging to observe our core values:

  • We Value Relationship with God
  • We Encourage all people to Live according to Biblical Principles
  • We Value & Respect all People
  • We Encourage people to have a healthy relationship with society
As they grow and give more of their time and service to the what they believe.  They need to take the step and be bold.  In their boldness they will more likely be the only one in their school to take a stand for the Gospel.  They will stand alone and will not be respected but will be mocked.  In most cases verbally scourged for their faith in Christ.  

Please know,  they are taking those measures often.   I do not write about them since I'm not the one that will pay the price for their news getting out.  No, here in Lithuania they will not pay the ultimate price,  However, they will be socially outcasted in their their schools not only by the students but also by their teachers and administrators which has a high influence on their future academics.

Knowing all of this.  This year we decided to start up four Bible Clubs in areas where there is a need of the Gospel.  It will bring us many challenges along the way.   I'm confident of this,  "If just one", just one child ,young person or adult makes the choice to follow Jesus because of our efforts then we rejoice, of course our goal is that they all accept Jesus and make Him Lord.  

You are so important in this effort, your constant support allows us to travel to these smaller cities and villages.  Your prayers give us the strength, momentum & desire to fulfill sharing the Gospel.  Please know here is how & who you can pray for:

1. Alytus-Free Christian Youth Group, we are helping this church begin a youth ministry in their community.
2. Alytus-Bible club,  We are partnering with Free Christian to start a Bible Club. 
3. Troskunai-Seniors Club, yes believe it we are having a Bible Club for seniors in this small village that does not have a church.
4. Troskunai-Childrens Bible Club, there is no church in this community.  

We thank you!  For these opportunities:
Alytus Bible Club

Alytus Bible Club 

Erika the Teacher

Justas Sharing Gods' Word.
Alytus Free Christian Youth

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