Thursday, November 29, 2018


Words cannot describe how grateful I'm for the means to be able to stand on this soil in Lithuania.  When I speak into lives of children and youth, there is a constant reminder that I do not stand on my own strength or ability and I do not take it for granted.  You are here with me, so many times I sense your prayers and strengths.  For some of you a brief note on FB, or an email has made my greatest challenges appear upward opportunities.

This Thanksgiving I did something different, I invited national friends and supporters of Kidz Lithuania.  It was a huge task but proved itself amazing.  Close friends came a few days early and helped prepare the many desserts: pies, cheesecakes; and the many side dishes.  We roasted 16kg(35lbs) of Turkey--1 Full turkey, and several Turkey breasts.  We made so many side dishes, but it was an amazing statement of  genuine friendship and family working together.  It has been over 9 years that I have been able to have thanksgiving with my own family.  Since we all live in different parts of the world and the process of aging parents.

Our dinner party consisted of believers and non-believers because I am a strong believer that how we choose to express love holds greater value than our words.   Yet, when we open our hearts and truly welcome people by spending quality time with them it sends a message.

Now don't be fooled Thanksgiving celebration did not hinder ministry in fact we still went out served in Alytus, Friday & Saturday,  it's about 1 1/2 hours away from Vilnius. Kidz Lithuania is partnering with Paula Stephens, & Gary & Carol Zupkas missionary friends from other sending organizations.  Our goal is to establish a youth group with a partnering church, so that the church could continue the Bible Club at the orphanage.  While Kidz Lithuania is doing the Bible Club; I've been training the adult  Christian leaders on how to effectively train youth with a personal intimacy with Jesus, a passion to serve & a commitment for Gods' ministry.     Our initial commitment to this project is one year.  If we can duplicate our ministry locally in Alytus that would be amazing.  THIS IS OUR PRAYER

Here are a few photos from our ministry in Alytus, lead by our Leadership Team:

Nerijus Teaching:Alytus Youth Group
Alytus Scripture Game
Alytus Bible Club

Erika & PreK 

Aldo with his small group

What else can we be Thankful for?   Ohio State Buckeyes!!!! Thanksgiving Win  Just checking to see if you are still with me.   

Jonava Christian Church Update

End of Year Christmas Project253425.48Please Send a Move In Christmas Gift!  25,000.00Euros

If you prefer to give by check: 
Assemblies of God World Missions,
1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802 USA
Acct#253425.48 In the memo

For over Seven years many of you heard me speak and share my heart about Jonava, Jonava, Jonava.  In fact, if you are a supporter and prayer partner you all know how much it means that we are moving in.  Jonava Christian Church Sacrificed greatly, the Lithuanian Pentecostal Union Churches gave liberally, Ohio Ministry Network, Womens Ministry & Many other Churches, along with Pinnellas Community Church in St. Petersburg Florida; and our brothers and sisters from Sweeden.   For the past seven years, several of you who have been praying faithfully.  I've shared my heart over Jonava needing a home base.  Well MOVING DAY IS HERE!!!!  We bought building, we are moving in!!!! WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOU ALL WHO HAVE SACRIFICED.

(the current owners are still packing) 

Pastors Arvydas & Reda Slepikas

Possible Classroom

When they move this will be the large room

Training Room.
December 16, 2018 I will be preaching in their new building for their first church service if all goes well in the transition.  They were able to purchase the entire second floor for 100,000 Euros.  Yes property is not cheap in this area of Lithuania.  They have one year to pay off the balance which is only: 25,000.00EU.   If you feel impressed on your heart to give this would empower this new church plant, of only two years be debt free; so that they can invest their giving towards reaching their community.  You can easily GIVE TODAY! Give to Jonava Christian Church Christmas Project

Contact Information:

1337  Beechcrest ST NW
Warren, OH 44485 USA

Tomo Žebrausko g. 7
14187 Vilnius


(I'm 7 hours ahead E.S.T., it rings
in Lithuania) 
330.984.0213 (Skype)



Give safely and securely online by credit/debit card,
 PayPal, or check by inserting the following into 
your browser)

( Account 253425

Postal Service:
Assemblies of God World Missions 
1445 N Boonville Ave 
Springfield, MO 65802

Account# 253425

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