Monday, July 27, 2020

FOCUS on The Future "CO"mpletely

First of all I lift up all praise to the Lord for the amazing opportunities of ministries that Kidz Lithuania could continue to invest during this past "CO"mplicated year.   I grew up under a pastor who often would say: ..."you are either part of the problem or part of the solution"....Pastor Oliver Dalaba is so amazing, focused on the prize, extremely creative, strong in his knowledge of who he is.  Both he and his wife Ginny were amazing mentors and I"m so blessed to have had them in my life.

Many a day while I prayed Lord what do you do when you can't even meet with your kids in person? Lord what will we do that will leave a fingerprint on the lives of those we are trying to connect with?  How do we honor the laws of the land and continue to share about our amazing Father in heaven.  As a child I learned we first PRAY and wait for an answer.  We started zoom meetings to simply stay in "CO"nnection with one another and I will say Kidz Lithuania team found out more and more during the "CO"nnecting this year how impersonal electronics can be.    It was tough to linger and "CO"nsole one another online while they had been online for 4-6 hours a day for school.

Here we are in "CO"operation with one another and we were able to film in different locations and actually edit and present an Easter program online for all the children who were unable to gather together.  We were able to prepare for our training camp not knowing if we could meet or not.   I'm stoked to say that Kidz Lithuania ministry team did an amazing job at running the camp with very little supervision.

Next week we have Media recording for our online station where we will do virtual summer camp!
A Game of Water War
Bible Verse
Skulis Think Tank

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