Friday, November 18, 2016

Sometimes we Loose Yet we are still Winners

This past month we have been working full force preparing, training and gathering with our team members in small groups to see where they stand personally in their relationship with God.   We call this "Jesus Time"; back in my grandmothers' day it would be called "pressing on or forward" as according.  Phillippians 3:14 "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"

It's a real personal genuine time where we search the scriptures for answers of their life's questions; from the youngest team member.  They are questioning what is real?  What is true?  What better way to give them answers then to plan an entire evening around teaching them how to find the answers in the Word of God.   Hours upon hours are spent in prayer, research and in hopes to lay down a foundation of Faith and Trust in the Word of God knowing it applies to them personally.  That this Word is timeless and effective even today.

Here is a brief glimpse of a few of our conversations, based on what they desired to know.  Gabrielle, age 12.  Gabrielle has been serving on our team for the last two years.
Her big question:  What does the Bible say about water baptism & why it is important for me?  
We covered the book of John, and discussed Jesus' Words along with the proclamations of John.  She understood it was important to get baptized.  She wanted to have a personal understanding of what the Bible says since she is wanting to follow the Words of Jesus in John 3:3-7.  Gabrielle is our youngest girl on our team she has been around a lot of ministry for the last three years of her life.  She helps in Sunday School, Worship Team and serves whenever called upon by her church and Kidz Lithuania.

Let's look at another young ladies "Jesus Time", Erika, age 15.  
Her big question:  Could you share with me about the main differences between "Christianity" and other religions?    Here is a young lady who barely squeaks one word in conversation and when given the chance to learn more about her personal relationship with God,  this is what comes out of her mouth.  Erika, comes to us through our mission site, in Jonava.  Our time was really full, how in the world can I answer this question in one evening.  Impossible!   Yet, we were able to look at mainstream faiths & religions and how the terminology intermingled, what is similar and what is not. Most of all what the Bible says and how deceptive others religions and cults can be in using familiar phrases and words.    

It has been fifteen years since I stepped foot into Lithuania and about 12years since I began this personal journey of discipleship with the young people of Lithuania.  It started with one, then two now I'm up to 18 personal relationships.  I'm so grateful for the Word of God, It's power and divine instruction.  As much as I'm moved and elated to have the privelege to personally disciple young people; my heart still pangs of the few that chose not to remain on course currently.  Their  wondering feels like losses to me; and yet I know the Word of God is in their hearts.  I was there when they were challenged to read, listen, memorize and hear of Gods' Truths.

Some folks might be comforted in hearing that Jesus didn't even get 100% of his followers.  These statements sadden me because I have still hold onto the hope that though they are wondering down paths of their own choosing, Jesus paid the price and that the Truth will rise up and set them free and show how Victorious they can be in Christ.  

We WIN!!!!  We loose nothing if we are passing the baton, handing the mantle down.  We have to believe that God is in control and we need to stay our course and remain faithful to what He has called us to do.  That is share the Gospel with whomever!!

Prayer Requests:
Christmas Tour-Multiple cities in One Weekend
Upcoming Jesus' Time Meetings
Steady Electricity & Heat, there have been some long power outages.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Meet Kreta, She is 16yrs old and she is one of our Team Leaders.  Kreta is amazing and we like to think she is fabulous.  She will say that, as she breaks out in laughter, but truly she is and here is the reason why?

Our Deepest Fear
by Nelson Mandela

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are 
powerful beyond measure.
It is our Light, not our Darkness,
the most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you NOT to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so
that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory
of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, 
our presence automatically liberates others.

This past month we have been involved in the Baltic Children's Ministry Conference where 88 teachers from 5 different countries attended to be inspired to reach the children of our nations.  I was the key speaker, which is always a humbling experience and yet I know God gave direction in His Word to encourage them to build Spiritual Champions.

We ourselves, will be attending a live stream conference this month, our own weekend training while we are preparing for our 5 City/1 Weekend Tour .  We are sharing the Truth about the "Birth of Christ" from the perspective of shepherds, following the star.  It's an original filled with comedy, drama, puppetry, object lessons and Bible illustration.  Children and entire families will be given the opportunity give their hearts to the Lord and we are hoping to be able to give each attendee a gift.  That means we need to prepare gifts for about 3,000 people and we need a booster for this.  

Why don't you join us in letting your own LIGHT SHINE and press the button to give a christmas gift to a person in need of a touch from Jesus during Christmas.

More about Kreta:

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Song:  "Ain't No Mountain High Enough"

Talents: Ukele, Piano, Singing, Dancing, Clowning, Drama, talkative, Friendly, a great organizer and these are just the biggies.

Why Kidz Lithuania?
At first I chose to stay because of the friendships I made there but then I really did feel that God wanted me there and here is a really good place to grow.  So I stayed because God encoruaged me to grow stronger & think of others more than myself.  

Biggest Personal Challenge?
"I want to reflect Christ in everything I do"

Friday, September 2, 2016

Planted More than Seeds

We have been so blessed over the years to invest in the Jonava Center, under the leadership of Reda Šlepkienė.  I remember the first day we met to help them start the center it was a Christmas Kick Off and we were able to bless the center with Christmas gifts from Convoy of Hope to the community along with these great footie PJ's that the kids went wild over.   Afterwards we gathered in her home for prayer and fellowship.  That was in 2005.

We have (you, I and my amazing on ground team Kidz Lithuania) have invested in the daily life of this feeding and care station for at risk children.  We have also held several annual outreaches, citywide along with hosting Character day camps.  This summer was the same we held a camp in July and then in August we joined forces with Kaunas Christian Church, Swedish Baptist Church, and Jonava Youth Center to share the Gospel.  Many many hearts have been committed to see a church plant.  August 21, 2016, they gathered!!! Praise the Lord but they are not in their own building nor are they meeting at the center they are using another facility.

God does not despise small beginnings, we rejoice as according to Zechariah 4:10  "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.."   Rejoicing that finally we have witnessed more than seeds being dropped in the hearts of children and youth but a church a place where they can go locally on Sundays to worship the Lord.

Doesn't if feel great in your spirit to know that you were a part of this too?  Through your prayers and sacrifices.   This is just the beginning the seeds are planted, and the soil is fertile but we need to be prepared for when they grow.  

Please consider giving to the Jonava Center we are $45,000 away from being able to purchase a building.   Please consider this and if God is speaking to your heart right now you could actually press this link and give:  JONAVA CENTER DONATIONS

Wonderful growth we are seeing from Jonava besides now having a church there.  Let me share about another area of growth.  Let me introduce you to Paulius Šlepikas, he is our Kidz Lithuania Team Leader.   Paulius grew up in Jonava because his parents took a step of faith to go to Jonava and become "home missionaries" to this city.  We have been blessed to have Paulius on our Kidz Lithuania team for several years.....memory serves when he began he was just coming for the fun.  He has grown and continues to grow spiritually.   I'm very proud of him, for trusting the Lord and at the same time humbled for allowing me to speak into his life.

Paulius Information:

Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Song: A lot of different worship songs
Age: 17
Skills: He plays guitar, beat box, good teacher and he's our "sound" guy (more ways than one)
Personal Prayer Request: He desires a deeper wanting and discipline to spend more time with God, and does not want to be lazy with his school & homework.

Kidz Lithuania Mean to him:  It is valuable to help him spend more time with God through the accountability, not to be lazy with daily commitments like school, homework.  The relationship with Kidz Lithuania encourages him to want more of a relationship with God.  The team is also like a family where you grow spiritually and learn to share God with others.

If you personally knew Paulius you would just say, "WOW" because those are a lot of words for this normally quiet young man.  He is our "quiet giant" on our team!  Well respected and loved.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Are you ready for the Good Sonshine to come down?

We are just in the middle of July and we have had a wonderful time of growing, and maturing pulling together our new team in unity.  I know and I am persuaded to side up with the words of Paul, "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ."  Philippians 1:6.

God is so good, as you know we shared that we had 5 young ladies graduating this summer; with Mindaugas & Indre seeking full-time employment; this meant a lot of change coming to our team and the person I'm this concept just could totally mess with my planning mind.  Then one afternoon while we were in our recruiting camp back in the beginning of June the Lord had to remind me of HIS plans.  So I just relaxed and prepared myself for the Good Sonshine.

We are almost completely done in re-arranging and training our 2016/2017 ministry team, "Kidz Lithuania"  I will have a team photo by the end of this week.  I can say God always fulfills His promises.  We have a team of 16 youth with 4 others that are through the program but want to help when they can; so in the middle of thinking we are going down to 8 God multiplied our team to 16 so we have a bigger team.  My hope is always to have a stronger team.  Paulius, Karen & Kreta have stepped up to lead the team; and Milda & Sima, both who graduated this year have made a commitment to coach the team.

They have come ready with a desire to learn and prepare.  Our "Spiritual Champions" Training camp began July 17, 2016 and we leave here July 24, 2016 for our first Summer Day Camp (VBS) for one week, and we have two more weeks of camp to follow.

Please pray that they continue to grow in their scripture memory; desire to know the Lord and their choices to please Him everyday.

Pray as we Prepare for our Final Summer Outreach

We are in the preparation stage for our last outreach for the summer.  We will return August 18-20, for a three day evangelistic outreach in Jonava.  We are partnering with the Jonava Youth Center, Kaunas Christian Church and a Swedish team.

Kidz Lithuania, is responsible for the children's gatherings; while the Swedish team will join with Kaunas Christian for the evening adult evangelistic meeting.

First, I want to thank you for all that prayed for our team while we were out on ministry in July.   Our team battled a physical battle during a five day event; including our key leader have appendicitis.  In a few days everyone was healthy including Paulius, who has recouped without surgery.  We give the Lord all the glory and we are grateful for our Christian Family around the world who invest in us through the giving of your time in prayer, and financial sacrifices.

After this upcoming outreach, our team leaders will gather for a 3 day retreat, to access our strengths, weakness, where we need to improve and lay out the calendar through the end of the year.  

Milda, (pictured above with Frenchie) one of the young ladies who graduated high school this year agreed to work with me this summer as an administrator, which is a difficult skill if you have no official training.  However, overall she has done well and worked hard.   It has been a learning process having her first job ever but I'm grateful for her heart and service and she has agreed to continue through out the year, while she studies here in Vilnius.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Growing Pains with Gracious Gains

These Past few months have been full of so many changes on our ministry team.  Who is graduating for instance has a huge impact on our Kidz Lithuania Team, since when they graduate they move around sometimes even out of country to obtain higher education.  Others may stay around but university schedules are very different from high school.  We have five girls graduating this year on a team of 13 that holds a significant impact on the logistics of our team.  We still remain with a solid core and yet we need to train and replace leadership.

I'm grateful that those who are moving on still want to remain faithful and help with our ministry as their time permits.  Some have offered to be a part of training the new members, others have offered to come to cook & clean so that these people don't need to be hired in.  It does give me great joy that they see the importance of keeping Kidz Lithuania healthy and growing.

Kidz Lithuania will be lead again by co-leadership, Paulius Slepikas and Karen Saakjan they will begin their intensive leadership training June 13-August 24.  When our team will not be out they will be in intsensive training, bible learning, character development and just the process of Discipleship, Mentoring and Coaching so that they will be confident to lead the way. 

Karen, Frenchie & Paulius
Frenchie is teaching them about serving!

Kidz Lithuania has already assisted one church on June 1-3, 2016 with a children's evangelism during a two day tent event, approximately 70 children attended both services in the small city of Birzai on the Latvian border.     They also had youth & adult meetings that followed each evening.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Check Point Lithuania

It is so so good to be home, in my element.  First I need to Thank everyone for your investment of prayer; prayer drove my arrival home.  I had one month to find a place, move in, unpack, get settled and then get on a plane to Vienna to speak in a conference.

First Check Point:  The House, "Kidz Lithuania" Training Center, in a matter of three days I found the perfect home for the perfect price way under budget.  I feel like I'm living outside the city, but my address is a city address.  This home feels like AMERICA.  It is amazing!!!  Did I mention way under budget and I'm still able to sleep comfortably 23.  Less bedrooms more floor space and 2 more bathrooms.

After moving in, I was able to sleep comfortably the first night in my new home.  Yet it has taken me all of Feb-May1 to do the Laundry, the perks of moving things out of storage it all needs washed.  EVERYTHING!!!!!  I'm down to one box left, and this was only like 185 loads later we're done.

Second Check Point:  Storage delivered, as I'm grateful lets just say we are still negotiating, the company lost two of my pallets.  I have no tools, inside or outside, and quite a bit of odds and ends that I can live with out---but still I need to go to the insurance company hoping that they will offer enough to replace the main things I lost.   The set back is about $1800Euros

Third Check Point:  My kids, some of them are adults and yet the team still keeps breathing with new gifted, talented and thriving young people who truly want to serve the Lord.  Above the young man with the Guitar, is Darius and he is from the Jonava center.  It's amazing to see this young man hungry for the Lord and open to do whatever the Lord calls him to do.  Thank you to Reda Slepikiene and the amazing team serving in Jonava, producing street children who love God, the church and their country.   After this summer I loose 5 young girls who will be graduating high school and moving to University.  It's a tough transition,  (for me I've been around them since they were just 10-12 yrs old) and yet our team will continue to thrive.  They'll be back for special occassions.

Fourth Check Point:  Visiting our Mission Points and checking out their needs, hearing their testimonies and see how we can partner for the upcoming year to come in contact with more children with the Gospel.

Fifth Check Point For Now:  Getting back to training and equipping the saints to reach and evangelize children.  This year Global Childrens Ministry Network (GCMN), Assemblies of God Network for missionaries who serve the children of the world partnered with Europe's Children and we had an amazing event where over 300 people from around the world were represented.  

Global Childrens Ministry Network Team